Global Village

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Habitat for Humanity–MidOhio

A Road Less TraveledWoman carrying gravel in headpan
Awaso, Ghana
Photo by Dave Bezaire

Thompson-Weiler Project DedicationHappy family with house leads
Columbus, Ohio
Photo by Dave Bezaire

In service to the Central Ohio community since 1987, the Habitat for Humanity–MidOhio affiliate (formerly, Habitat for Humanity–Greater Columbus) has built over 320 houses, providing homes for over 1500 people of modest means who now flourish, grow and experience their dreams with the full benefits of home ownership. The excellent Report highlights production of over 20 houses in Columbus in 2011 and an international tithe donation to build 26 homes in Côte d'Ivoire.

The importance of supporting Habitat's global mission is noted in the letter below from E.J. Thomas, CEO, Habitat for Humanity–MidOhio:

May 24, 2011

Dear Prospective GV Participant:

For those of you who may be visiting this site for the first time, or who may be familiar with Habitat’s “Global Village” efforts in some 80 countries around the world, I wanted to share a thought or two about your team leaders, Dave Bezaire & Susi Havens-Bezaire.

If, like me, you’re interested in the bottom line, it’s this: Dave & Susi are marvelous supporters of the Habitat for Humanity mission, both here and abroad. If you’re considering signing up for one of these GV trips, know you’ll be in the best of hands as you put the collective use of all participant efforts to God’s work of providing safe, decent and affordable housing to deserving families… wherever around the globe. Susi & Dave’s work with the Columbus Global Village Team adds the human touch to our financial support. And this affiliate is excited that more than 40 volunteers from Central Ohio have carried the Habitat mission to eight countries since 2005.

With the upcoming mission to Nicaragua, the Columbus GV Team continues to be in the vanguard with their focus on advocacy and education to complement Habitat’s traditional house building mission. Given our enduring “house for a house” tradition of supporting the construction of a house overseas for every one that we build in Central Ohio, we fully support Dave & Susi’s global efforts, and I encourage you to do the same. You won’t be disappointed!

E.J. Thomas, CEO
HFH-Greater Columbus
Member, HFHI U.S. Council