Global Village

Global Village Trips

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Pictures tell our story!

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Please be patient with this old site
Despite being over a decade old, content on this site remains relevant to the participants—even though it is not being maintained to evolving web standards.

Please pardon broken links, aged formatting, poor performance on mobile devices, etc., and just enjoy all the photos and stories within.

Thank you for your patience!

Tax deductibility of a Global Village trip

A Road Less Traveled
Team members visited the farm of a partner family on Sunday afternoon
Amecameca, Mexico
Photo by Scott Moore

Habitat for Humanity International will send a tax acknowledgement letter to everyone who makes a payment or donation via check, money order or credit card with additional details about tax deductibility.

Generally, a participant can deduct a portion of her/his payments if she/he itemizes their year-end tax return, to the extent that "there was no significant element of pleasure in the trip". Other supporters may often claim a full deduction because their support is considered to be given to Habitat on an unfettered basis (as opposed to supporting only an individual.)

Please consult with a tax specialist concerning your specific situation.