Global Village

Guatemala 2006

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Pictures tell our story!

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Please be patient with this old site
Despite being over a decade old, content on this site remains relevant to the participants—even though it is not being maintained to evolving web standards.

Please pardon broken links, aged formatting, poor performance on mobile devices, etc., and just enjoy all the photos and stories within.

Thank you for your patience!

Most likely

Several team members had some fun dreaming up likely scenarios for the rest. So here we have...

Jenny... most likely to have insects follow wherever she goes

Laura... most likely to drag "dirty boys" to church

Dave... most likely to make up his own dance moves

Ally... most likely to respond with an exaggerated eye roll

Regina... most likely to be chasing roosters & making people laugh

Ruth... most likely to not make it out alive

John... most likely to force feed oatmeal to Regina while dressed as Tarzan

Michael... most likely to wander Guatemalan beaches as a Rastafarian

Katie... most likely to never learn spanish but still carry on a conversation purely through actions

Heather... most likely to "be in a fight" with Regina

Susi... most likely to order male body parts for breakfast

Nikki... most likely to be ready on time and waiting for the rest